Charity and Community

Radlink supports a range of local and national initiatives to highlight causes that are close to the heart of employees and the community. Contributing in a meaningful and generous manner is promoted by the company leadership team.

Some examples of this support include:

  • MSWA Bike Ride
  • Robe River Rodeo and Campdraft
  • Putt4dough (golf day for the ICT industry to raise money for Perth Children’s Hospital)
  • Ultimate Back Yard Cricket Match for the Pirateship Foundation (supporting research into childhood brain cancer)
  • RUOK Day
  • Movember
  • Mining Emergency Response Competition
  • Salvation Army Christmas Appeal
People riding through a MSWA banner outdoors
Woman holding an American flag whilst riding a horse in a ring
man playing golf outside in front of a Radlink banner

Inclusivity and Diversity

Radlink is committed to eliminating discrimination and encouraging diversity amongst our workforce. Our aim is that our workforce is truly representative of all sections of society and that each worker feels respected and empowered.


At Radlink, we recognise that everyone has a role to play in creating a healthier planet. Radlink’s commitment to sustainability incorporates all areas of environment, people and community. We utilise sustainable products and implement practices to support our sustainability ethos.

Modern Slavery

Radlink is committed to acting ethically and with integrity. In all business dealings and relationships we are taking steps to implement and enforce effective systems and controls to limit the risk of modern slavery practices being present in Radlink’s business or supply chains.